HKAIA and the Hong Kong Productivity Council co-organized a Seminar on supply of PMA Aircraft Parts in Hong Kong at the HKPC Building on 5th November 2010. Representatives from Cathay Pacific Airways, Hong Kong Airlines, Hong Kong Dragon Airlines and Civil Aviation Department were invited to talk about their requirements of PMA parts supply and certification.
Speakers include:
Dr. Jackson HO, MH
President of Hong Kong Aviation Industry Association
Mr. Darryl CHAN
Head of Engineering, Hong Kong Dragon Airlines Limited
Mr. Dennis CHAN
General Manager, Environmental and Government Affairs, Hong Kong Express Airways Limited and Hong Kong Airlines Limited
Inventory Operations Manager, Cabin Management, Cathay Pacific Airways Limited
Senior Airworthiness Officer (Certification), Civil Aviation Department, The Government of the HKSAR
More than 40 members and non-members attended the seminar.
Presentation PowerPoint can be downloaded in the following links.
Download - Mr. Darryl CHAN, Hong Kong Dragon Airlines Limited
Download - Mr. Dennis CHAN, Hong Kong Express Airways Limited and Hong Kong Airlines Limited
Download - Mr. WC CHEUNG, Cathay Pacific Airways Limited
Download - Mr. Eric CHEUNG, Civil Aviation Department, The Government of the HKSAR