主頁 / 香港航空業公司搜尋器 /
航空貨運 / 機場空運中心有限公司
Airport Freight Forwarding Centre Company Limited (AFFC) is a whollyowned subsidiary of Sun Hung Kai Properties Group, operating a logistics facility over 1.5 million sq. ft. of prime warehouse and office space in Hong Kong International Airport. AFFC prides on its location advantage, quality facility and professional security & traffic management to sustain the leading position in the industry.
Airport Freight Forwarding Centre Co. Ltd (AFFC)
Rm 1106-7, 11/F
Airport Freight Forwarding Centre
2 Chun Wan Road
Chek Lap Kok
Hong Kong
香港赤立角駿運路 2 號
機場空運中心1106-7 室
Ms. Michelle LEUNG
Chief Executive Officer
電話: (852) 2827 2002
傳真: (852) 2827 2022