With the aim to promote cooperation between Hong Kong and Zhuhai companies, a Study Mission to the Aviation Industry in Zhuhai was held on 12th November 2009. 31 participants joined this event. The mission was arranged visits to the following 3 sites.
(1) MTU Aero Engines - is a 50-50 joint venture of MTU Aero Engines and China Southern Airlines, China’s largest carrier. The location specializes in the maintenance, repair and overhaul of IAE V2500-A5 and CFMI CFM56-3, -5B and -7 engines.
(2) Zhuhai Aviation Industry Park - was established in November 2008, designated to be a significant civil aviation industrial estate to develop aero assembly, parts and components manufacturing, numerical control base, maintenance, repairing and overhaul, service, logistics and etc.
(3) Zhuhai Yanzhou Aircraft Corporation Ltd - with RMB 30 million registered capital, is a light airplane manufacturer approved by the Civil Aviation [2002]. Currently located in the JiuZhou Heliport, YanZhou Aircraft Corporation covers a wide range of business activities, including light aircraft assembly, the R&D of manufacturing technology, flight training, consulting service, aero club and forest fire prevention.
Participants also met the Zhuhai government officials and representatives of the Zhuhai Airport.